Manantial La Oculta (closed)
Bayahibe, Dominican Republic
First dove and explored by Cristian Pittaro and Dave Pratt in May 2010. La Oculta is actually the pumping station for two of the Hotels in Bayahibe, diving is not allowed here, but after a few years of good relationship and cooperation with the hotel association (AHRB) we finally got official permission from the land owners to explore and map this cave!!...COOL!!! We didn't know what to expect since this is the last access to the underground "river" that in theory comes from El Chicho, passing through the sinkholes El Chicho 2, La Lechuza, Lechuza 2, El Toro 1,2,3, and Padre Nuestro, so, this could lead us maybe to a very big system, or might just be nothing. We expected the water flow to come from Padre Nuestro through El Viejo and then to La Oculta.